Telling Family About PC
Okay, so if I plan to do this whole PC thing I need tell my close family and friends....
I told my brother Charlie, my friend Tyler, and my friend Rachel in February, shortly after attending the information session, completing the application, and having the interview. Not wanting to get too excited as I was only in the first stages of the process, yet still wanting to share my excitement of idea of PC with a few people. Charlie and Tyler both thought it was an awesome experience and were very encouraging. Rachel laughed and said she remembered me talking about it high school - I knew that I had thought about PC for a long time but I didn't remember actually saying it outloud to a high school friend.
I received a nomination the first week of March for a Math Resource Education Position in Africa leaving July so I then realized that I would need to sit down and tell my parents, as July was only four months away. I was a little scared to tell them mainly because I was afraid they'd think I was crazy. They actually responded very well to the news. They asked a lot of good questions as well some silly ones (as you can guess that would be mom would came up with those ones). It seemed like very time I was on the phone with them, they'd be asking more questions and basically just trying to get more information.
Currently I am in the process of going through medical clearance and of course the next step is to receive an invitation. I decided that it might be a good idea to tell some of my extended family as July is quickly approaching. I thought about telling my grandma or one of my aunts, however I wanted to be the one to tell people so decided that I'd announce it mid-April at Easter dinner. I think my Aunt Laura and Aunt Marsha asked a lot of good questions. I think I caught Grandma Margaret off guard as she asked if it was a 3 month program. Lacey had told me that she thought it was an awesome opportunity, however she is an international business major so I would expect that of her. I can understand that it can be a lot to take in when you first hear it - only months away in July, a 27 month program, and the idea of being in Africa. The room was a little quiet as I don't think they knew what to say at first. I shared some stories about some returned volunteers as well shared the "use left hand only" stories which helped to lighten the mood. So the ice is broken and they now know my plans of joining the PC.
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