Things I'm Going To Miss...
Friday May 26th (10pm)
Things I'm going to miss....
My parents 50th birthdays
My great grandma's 100th birthday
Lacey's 21st birthday
Alisha's graduation
Charlie's wedding
Dark chocolate
Donato's pizza
My quiet little private apartment
Cell phone and internet access
Seeing a classroom full of middle schoolers
YMCA classes
Talking on the phone to family and friends
Family cookouts
The spring and fall seasons
Middle schooler's humor
Washer and dryer (soon be hand washing)
George Foreman grill, toaster oven, and refridgerator
Popsicles (with the cheesy kids' jokes)
Spaghetti, alfredo, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes
American food
Vanilla candles
Bath & Body Works
Privacy / alone time
Relaxing on the couch with a good movie
Air conditioning
Sleeping in
My bed
The convenience of a Wendy's drive thru
Getting pedicures
People I'm going to miss...
Everyone :)
My parents
My brother Charlie
My grandparents
My aunts and uncles
All my cousins
All my friends
Teachers I teach with
My students
My cats
Things I'm not going to miss...
Balancing my checkbook
Paying bills
The feeling of rushing from place to place
Cold snowy winters
One-way streets
Cat litter box